
A thing that I come up with this morning (on the way to go to the swimming pool)

독쁜남자 2020. 1. 23. 12:54

On my inner mind, I can use various quotes or say from someone. there are things with definitely different meanings. e.g., when I found I will running late to a not important meeting, I can use 'This is a kind of destiny.' but also I found someone will late a meeting that arranges from me, I can use 'the early bird catches worms'. these all things had happened in my inner side not outer. i.e., I can imagine anything I want for both my mental health and the strengthening of moving forward.


The important thing that I really want to say is if someone says about something, someone immediately got responsibility for that saying. For instance, when I heard this both 'I am a lazy person' and 'I am a busy person', I found this combination is very weird and can not trust that person. When such as these things usually happen to me, I cut off that kind of person with 3-time thinking. as I said this first paragraph I try not to use this kind of saying with sound.


'speech is silver. but silence is gold.'


2020/01/21 - [lingua/Latin] - e.g. vs. i.e.


e.g. vs. i.e.

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